
General information about Sequencing core facility (SCF)

SCF is a service unit for DNA sequencing and related technology only for people at UniBi, run by the Genetics and Genomics of Plants Research Group in the context of CeBiTec activities.

Correct URL to find this page: https://scf.cebitec.uni-bielefeld.de/

UniBi people: please contact us via the GFDB task interface

For UniBi users only

GFDB task interface

This task interface should allow to react in a more structured way to your requests. Please use this tool to report a complain, a request, or a simple question for information about an oligo order or a sequence reaction.

Ordering oligonucleotides at UniBi (OligoOrderGFDB)

You need to be registered to get access. Please create your Cebitec-GPMS Account via the following link: 


and contact us via the GFDB task interface to provide all needed information 

Ordering sequencing reactions at SCF (SeqOrderGFDB)

You need to be registered to get access. 

You need to be registered to get access. Please create your Cebitec-GPMS Account via the following link: 


and contact us via the GFDB task interface to provide all needed information 


If you have questions, ideas or requests for things to include into the SCF services please contact us via the GFDB task interface. Please tell us about broken weblinks and/or wrong URLs as well.